Saturday, January 16, 2010

Triple Book Launch @ Yorkdale Indigo

January has certainly been a month for book signings and book launches!

Today was the triple book launch of:
Deborah Kerbel's Girl on The Other Side
Marina Cohen's Ghost Ride
and Mahtab Narsimhan's The Silver Anklet

The ladies introduced their stories, cut amazing bookcover cakes and signed copies of their novels. I believe I recognized other authors in attandance but seeing as how I know them on a "I-follow-you-on-twitter" basis, I wasn't quite sure how to introduce myself haha! It is really wonderful to see how they support each other. I'm very much in favour of supporting local talent and I believe that without it, many authors would not get the recognition and encouragment that they deserve.

I have read both Deb's and Marina's books and really enjoyed them. I can not wait to start Mahtab's books because I am already captivated by the summary. For more information about the three authors and their novels, check out


  1. Thanks so much for coming to our launch, Sara! I'm SO sorry about the 'h' thing - it's like my pen had a mind of it's own LOL! It really is wonderful to be part of such a supportive group of local writers and I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce you around to all the other authors who were there.
    Next time, for sure!

  2. Hi Deborah!
    You are very welcome, it was my pleasure! Do not worry about the 'H' at all lol!
    I can't wait for your next book ("The Lure" I love ghost stories!) and I've been dying to read "Mackenzie, Lost and Found" for quite some time now."Girl on the Other Side" was a clever and very touching read!It was great to meet you and have it signed.My cousin wanted to make it so badly but had another commitment. She is 13 and she really identified with Lora.

    Can't wait for September,


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